1821 Proof Crown Edge Tertio George IV


George IV 1821 Proof Crown  

Truly stunning 1821 Proof crown tertio edge and extremely rare

this coin was marked as Proof details cleaned by NGC the coin is in FDC condition no wear at all even though its been cleaned doesn’t really detract form this stunning looking coin, see images of actual coin

Very seldom do these TERTIO proofs come on to the market and this coin just looks spectacular in the hand, one sold a few years ago for £6000 which had been graded the same proof details cleaned that coin never looked anywhere near the standard of this coin

Spink 3805

this coin has come from a private collection built up over the last 40+ years, I sent the coin in to NGC for grading, Fresh to the market

Code: C-50

Availability: 1 in stock


George IV 1821 Proof Crown  

Truly stunning 1821 Proof crown tertio edge and extremely rare

this coin was marked as Proof details cleaned by NGC the coin is in FDC condition no wear at all even though its been cleaned doesn’t really detract form this stunning looking coin, see images of actual coin

Very seldom do these TERTIO proofs come on to the market and this coin just looks spectacular in the hand, one sold a few years ago for £6000 which had been graded the same proof details cleaned that coin never looked anywhere near as good as this coin

Spink 3805

this coin has come from a private collection built up over the last 40+ years, I sent the coin in to NGC for grading, Fresh to the market

Code: C-50
